Welcome to my blog , otherwise known as my very public way of coping with my soon to be empty nest. I wrote the following on New Years Eve as I contemplated the upcoming year and thought I would start by sharing.
Jan1, 2019
I was lucky enough to spend New Year’s Eve with my husband and children. But for the first time in my life I feel a sadness ringing in the new year. 2019 will be a year filled with so much joy yet so much loss. It will be filled with firsts and lasts, excitements and sorrows. It will be filled with letting go and with every member of my family redefining themselves.
Our soon to be 23 year old daughter and soon to be college graduate will be embarking on her first career job and with that will move across the state taking with her the frequent long weekend visits that we’ve become accustomed to. My heart will break as she starts this next chapter of her life, yet I am filled with awe and unbelievable pride for this smart, determined young woman who has brought sunshine into my life from the moment she was born.
And then there’s the baby, our 18 year old son, graduating from high school and venturing off on his own, making his way to college. He has been my best buddy these past five years since his sister went away to college. He is my heart, my joy, my purpose. The light and energy that he brings into our home is immeasurable and I worry that our home will not be as colorful once he is gone. But it is time for him to fly and I can’t wait to see how high he will soar.
My husband I were together 11 years before we had our first child. Two became three and three became four and then we were complete. Still, we mused that “soon” we would get back to just the two of us. Little did we know that that day would come in the blink of an eye.

High School Sweethearts
Who will I be when I’m no longer needed to “walk” my daughter to class as she treks through campus? Who will I be when my son no longer comes home and reviews every minute of his day with me? How do you redefine yourself when your nest is suddenly empty?
Yes, this year will be challenging and exciting and filled with tears of joy and sorrow.
For the first time in 23 years I will be responsible for just me (and my husband to some degree). I anticipate a lot of wonderful changes and a lot of growth for all of us. I hope you will take this journey with me to help me discover who I am and who I’m going to be; to help me explore what being married looks like again when four suddenly becomes two.
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